Healing Workshops

On the Sea and Land Workshops

At Wellness On The Sea, we offer a personalized experience tailored to your unique needs. Just as no two bodies are exactly the same, we design each program to cater to your individual goals and requirements. This customized approach is why our workshops deliver exceptional results.

Per person per workshop: $129.00

Our programs are available WITH or WITHOUT a charter. For questions or to book, text us at (850) 408-1460 or email jose@wellnessonthesea.com. Ready to transform your body and mind? Choose your program today and experience a journey of freedom and rejuvenation.


Before choosing this program, you’ll need to answer a few questions.

Do you recognize these symptoms?:

  • You like constantly eating
  • You have lower belly fat
  • You have trouble sleeping at night.
  • You have no energy or stamina.
  • You have little endurance and flexibility.
  • You have joint pains and muscle aches.
  • You can’t focus and are constantly tired.
  • You have a constipation problem.
  • You have poor digestion.

If you answered YES to these questions, then detoxing is for you.

This plant-based diet is composed of raw fruits and vegetables, seeds, and grains that have naturally occurring enzymes and aid digestion, leading to better uptake of nutrients.

When we eat raw foods, these nutrients work for us, nourishing our cells and eliminating toxins from our bloodstream and intestinal tract.

Our 7-day, 30-day, and 90-day detox protocol will assist you in regaining optimal health and wellness.

Or reserve your 5-day dream getaway in Rio and experience this program for yourself!

Pantry Makeover

A Pantry Makeover is a fun and easy way to get a head start on your family’s health! We will join you in your kitchen (one-on-one, via Skype or FaceTime) and help you cleanse your pantry.

This program is designed to make you feel great about your kitchen space and the food you offer your family.


At Wellness On The Sea, we stress the importance of eating whole, fresh fruits and vegetables daily to provide proper nutrition that benefits your health and well-being. Hundreds of studies have shown that nutrients in raw fruits and veggies have been linked to reduced brain cell damage, heart disease, and cancers.

Juicing fruits and vegetables daily creates the synergy in your body to produce the life force you need to give you the burning energy you need daily for life. You’ll get your daily recommended seven to 10 fruits and vegetables by drinking fresh juices.

Up to 60 percent of the calories of uncooked fruits and vegetables are associated with weight loss and lowered blood pressure in overweight individuals.

How many days you choose to juice is entirely up to you! With our knowledge and suggestions, we want you to have the best results possible.


A personalized program to obtain the resources you need to achieve your goals. We will encourage you to set an intention and work with you. Through easy steps and small changes, you will learn and practice a new lifestyle that will bring health and longevity into your life.

1-Day Nutritional Coaching Session
90-Day Weight Loss Program
12-Month Health and Weight Loss Coaching Program

Shred 10

Shred10™ program is a fun, practical, and doable jumpstart to better health. For ten days, you will shred the food and habits that are not serving you, focus on clean living, and flood your body with whole-food nutrition. The 10-day jumpstart begins with four months of education and healthy changes that will revolutionize your health for the coming year!

You can do anything for ten days!

So, how do I get started?
Here’s what to do (in no particular order)
  1. Commit to doing the Shred10™ at least once during the next four months.
  2. Place your order for a four-month supply of Juice Plus+ capsules and Complete shakes (see the person who referred you to this website to do this)
  3. Watch the video Daily Detox with Shred10 by Mitra Ray, Ph.D
  4. Request to be added to the Facebook Support Community (see the person who referred you to this website to do this)
  5. Agree to have your representative text you at least once daily during the ten days.
  6. Adopt the Shred10™ into your own life for long-term success:
    • “Week Day” Shreds
    • Monthly Shreds (beginning on the first Monday of every month)
    • “Live It” guidelines (which will be given to you following your Shred10)


Discover for yourself how this comprehensive introduction to plant-based eating can be a transforming experience! Dive into the best foundational knowledge of plant-based eating, and you will find the answers to most of your questions.

You will walk away with firsthand knowledge about showcasing a hand-picked plant-based delicious nutritional that will make your guests up for more.

We’ll be covering, teaching (and tasting!):

  • The vital nutritional fundamentals in approaching a plant-based diet
  • The most essential ingredients and how to use them
  • The benefits and the pitfalls to avoid
  • Best plant-based protein sources and delicious ways to use quinoa in a variety of dishes
  • Nut milk and dairy replacements
  • A Persian-inspired spiced cauliflower recipe
  • How to uncover the power of 100% whole food, non-GMO, 100% organic, freeze-dried, dehydrated plant-based powders made from plants, berries, nuts, and greens.
  • How to utilize seaweeds and medicinal mushrooms, with a nutrient-dense pulse and Shitake broth recipe as an example
  • The power of juicing and smoothies featuring the most nutrient-dense juices and smoothies.

You’ll have the opportunity to taste every recipe demonstrated, ask all the questions you can think of, and take home a copy of all recipes in a printed booklet.

All recipes are 100% free from gluten, dairy, refined sugar, and egg and are made using the finest whole food ingredients.

Per person per workshop $129.00